Whatsapp Mod Tema Iphone New Style V7.40 (Clone)

Free Download WhatsApp Mod iPhone. Bukan zamannya lagi memakai sms yang notabene tidak mengecewakan mahal, sekarang dengan adanya WhatsApp atau di kurun "Kids Zaman Now" sering menyebutnya WA acara komunikasi semakin mudah.
Dalam penggunannya aplikasi ini sangat ringan kalau dibandingkan dengan aplikasi BBM yang sekarang tak terkenal lagi. Bila tertarik dapat mencoba BBM Mod iPhone.
Disisi lain, Whatsapp mempunyai tampilan cukup sederhana yakni warna hijau dengan balutan warna putih. Disini bangdro.blogspot telah menyediakan tema yang hampir mirip tampilan iOS yang konon banyak dicari para penggiat modifikasi.
Bagi Anda yang mencari WhatsApp Mod dengan tampilan keren mirip iPhone, Anda sudah berada di blog yang tepat. Oleh alasannya yaitu itu eksklusif saja download aplikasinya di link yang telah disediakan dibawah.
Oh iya, bila Anda mencari versi Unlcone untuk sementara belum tersedia jadi tunggu update terbarunya.
- Gabi
- Naeem Ahmad
- http://www.whatsappmods.net
- http://fouadmods.com
- More
New Update 2018
- [Base Update] 2.18.65 - Play Store
- [SUPER-EXCLUSIVE] Set Image as background for Home screen! (Option 1.1.2 > photo)
- [Exclusive] Choose to place picture next to All/First/Last bubble (Option 3.4.6)
- [Exclusive] My picture in conversation outside/inside (Options 3.4.1)
- [Exclusive] My picture in groups outside/inside (Option 3.4.3)
- [Added] Preview Entries Style Before Applying
- [Added] Selected Tab Underline color (option 2.1.11)
- [Added] Line color between chats in Main Screen (option 2.1.12)
- [Added] Date Pending Message color in Main Screen (option 2.1.13)
- [Added] Date Color in Main Screen (option 2.1.14)
- [Added] Mention color in Main Screen (option 2.1.15)
- [Added] Documents Text Color in Chat Screen (option 3.1.32)
- [Added] Mention color in Chat Screen (option 3.1.33)
- [Added] Voice note play button color (option 3.1.30)
- [Added] Voice note play kafe (option 3.1.329)
- [Added] Forward icon color (option 3.1.25)
- [Added] Forward background color (options 3.1.26)
- [Added] Participants Color (Option 3.1.31)
- [Added] Call Blocker/Who can call me option (Calls > Menu)
- [Added] White Navigation kafe support for Android 8.0+
- [Added] Azerbaijani langauge (Option 1.3.0)
- [New] YoThemes Store design (YoMods > YoThemes > Download themes)
- [New] Save themes now automatically also creates theme .zip file!
- [Updated] Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) translation
- [Fixed] Duplicate New Call FAB
- [Fixed] Particaipant nickname not getting coloured in group
- [Fixed] Messages text size not working for Arabic langauge
- [Fixed] Trick to bypass WhatsApp lock from YoWidget
- [Fixed] HSV Color options not showing on Android 8.0+
- [Fixed] YoWidget not showing properly for Arabic language phones (RTL)
- [Fixed] White Statusbar causes viewing Images to be cropped at bottom
- [Fixed] Bugs with many Entry styles (Aran, Rounded, Simple, etc...)
- [Fixed] Load theme does not apply wallpaper
- [Fixed] WhatsApp big size on some phones
- [Improved] FAB now moves to right in RTL langauges
- [Improved] Overall speed
- Other bugs fixes and Improvements
Cara Ganti Tema iPhone
- Install Fouad WhatsApp APK
- Masuk setting YOTheme - Muat Tema
- Pilih file tema xml yang telah di Download
- Selesai
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Link Download
Download Fouad WhatsApp APK | 54 Mb