Antidote To Caterpillar Poison (Most Effective)

Caterpillar Poison Penicillum - When we are outdoors let alone in a dense place with trees, we do not realize there are several living things that live in the trees. Whether it's a fungus, an insect or maybe a small animal like a caterpillar. The caterpillar is small and its form is very resistant to batangkayu if we glimpse the view without looking at it, this is what makes us often exposed to itching due to caterpillar poison in unexpected places, for you who experience itchy symptoms due to caterpillar do not worry because I am here to share about the most potent antidote to caterpillar poison you can use when attacked by this disgusting hewat.

There may be some among us who are very scared and amused with caterpillars, with a variety of caterpillars present in the feather can not be separated from the reasons for the form of caterpillar feathers and also because the caterpillar has a toxin in all the feathers that cause normal skin will feel itchy, swollen and reddish colored. The impact of caterpillars can be more severe when exposed to sensitive skin.

Feathers or spines that wrap around the caterpillars body mangandung poison that khusu used to be a fortress of the predators. So what to do if you get a caterpillar? Here is how to relieve the symptoms? Here is more information:

First Aid Affected by Caterpillars

If suddenly the caterpillar is attached to your skin, do not rush to take with your bare hands or get rid of the worm with the object suddenly, because it can actually make the toxins contained in the caterpillar even spread more into your body parts .

You'd better get rid of the wood carefully without surprising the caterpillar. After the caterpillar is released from your skin, do not touch the part of the skin that had been exposed to caterpillars, let alone scratch it. Look for masking tape, duct tape or plaster. Then attach to the tape to the skin part of the caterpillar caterpillar and pull it as hard as possible so that the remaining hairs on the affected skin can be lifted thoroughly. Repeat it several times until the skin is completely clean.

For maximum results and completely clean from the rest of the fur attached, you can wash the affected skin with soap. No need to rub too hard when cleaning it with soap so that the fur does not widen on other body parts. Then by gently tapping the contaminated area of ​​caterpillar poison and dry the affected area with a clean dry cloth.

Symptoms of Caterpillar Toxicity

In the time lag shortly after the part of your body is exposed to caterpillars, the body will begin to show a variety of symptoms of relief. Here are the normal signs and usually appear after the skin is exposed to caterpillars:
  • Appears a swollen rash or bumps on the affected skin caterpillars
  • The affected skin is itchy, sore, red, and swollen
  • If the feathers enter the eye, the eyes will become irritated
  • If the hair goes into the breath, this will cause shortness of breath and cough
  • If swallowed (usually experienced by a toddler), it will cause vomiting, irritation of the mouth and lips, or drool.

Antique Toxic Caterpillar

Toxicity due to caterpillars can be overcome, even if left untreated even though it can heal by itself. But in the article "The Caterpillar Poison Bidders" we want a faster and more precise action to overcome this toxicity in order for the effects of caterpillars to disappear, not get worse and heal. But in some cases the cure is dependent on the caterpillar species and our immune conditions also have an effect on the process of how fast the time of its penyembuwahan. Here is a guide how to overcome and treat itching because of caterpillar poisoning:
  • Compress an itchy or bruised skin with ice cubes wrapped in a soft cloth.
  • Press and let the ice stand for 15-20 minutes. Ulangis tersu every hour until the pain disappears.
  • Apply calamine lotion or anti-allergic powder to the itchy area.
  • Do not scratch the itchy skin. Because it can be infected and injured.
  • Drink allergy medications (if necessary) eg cetirizine and diphenhydramine.
  • Take pain relievers (if necessary) eg ibuprofen or paracetamol.

When to Go to a Doctor?

We recommend that you check the doctor if the irritation caused by severe start can be marked by the skin that has begun to reach and fester. But, if you experience discomfort only on its initial symptoms, please go directly to the doctor to check. If you are a parent who has children around the age of 2 years, do not give any medicine first, take it directly to the doctor, to be handled and treated.

Similarly this article about Avocado Penat Caterpillar. Thank you and hope it is useful.
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